Discussion Forum
Questions and Comments from Readers
Replies from the Author
If you have comments or questions pertaining to the book, you
are invited to send them to the address below. If deemed helpful to others, these will
be posted here along with the response of the author (in
amber print).
The author is of course interested in receiving corrections, so
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Ralph V. Harvey
153 Bentwood Dr.
Malaga, NJ 08328
August 30, 2015
Mr Harvey, no need to apologize. It was a well researched book. Hope to see more of your books in the future. Perhaps you can write a book about Hillel and Shammai.
August 31, 2015
Thank you for the compliment. I have written many published articles but only one book. There were a few mistakes in Rabban Gamaliel that I corrected and also added additional information as I discovered it. Nothing dramatic, but you can download a free copy of the revised book from my website
www.rabbangamaliel.org/bookorder.htm at the bottom of the page.
God bless!
October 23, 2012
I am an author, currently writing a novel based on Anna of the tribe of Asher... Having returned from some time in Israel, I have just
found and read your work... I have been on your website... I'm feeling overwhelmed and have peace in my spirit regarding your
conclusions, so THANK YOU.
Esther, London UK
October 23, 2011
I was visiting another church today and the Adult Class teacher read from your
book! -Harrisburg, PA
September, 2011
I was initially very excited to find a book on Rabbi Gamaliel. Harvey started out
writing some good points on the rabbi but digressed greatly shortly into the book.
Numerous early pages were very redundant. Most of the book is anything but a
narrative on Gamaliel. For someone who claims to be a Christian theologian, he is
very biased in his opinions and has serious misunderstandings about other Christian
beliefs. It seemed as though most of his book was an excuse to vent his latent
frustrations. He also needs to learn how to write a book before sending a manuscript
off to a publisher. Any peer-review in theology or history would have helped him
tremendously in correctly addressing the title topic. His theological training must
have been very limited to provide such shallow comments. A good basic biblical history
class would have helped his understanding of theology. Reading the book was a total
waste of my time and money.
- Jim, (Amazon book review)
My concept of a "book review" is different from Jim's. I would think that the reviewer would
say a few things about the book and not just what he thinks of the author. Jim gave
my book a one star rating (lowest possible grade). He "reviewed" one other book to date, a
science-fiction book titled "WORM" about the "first digital World War." In his "review" he
admits he didn't even read the book, yet gave it a five star rating!
March 18, 2007
I am giving your book to the Sussex County Library. That way many people can read it.
March 11, 2007
I was going through a very difficult time in my life and was getting really frustrated
with God. I had been slowly reading your book and got to the the part where you wrote
about your midlife crises just as I was experiencing the same. That was exactly what I
needed! Thank you!
- Ken
August 9, 2006
I am reading your book: Rabban
Gamaliel. It is enjoyable and spiritually challenging. I do have a question or
two, which is the purpose of this letter... in the quiz, Appendix I, question
twelve, you contend that "more is written about the coming of Christ in the book
of Isaiah than in all four Gospels together." I am wondering if we compared
verse for verse whether Luke should not receive that honor.
I will thank anyone who takes the time
to make this comparison and come up with statistics. I simply assumed that the
German theologian who made this statement had done his homework.
Isaiah, chapters 40-55 are generally accepted as messianic chapters and chapters
36-66 reference the second coming of the Lord. Isaiah 8:14-15; 9:6-7 and chapter
11 are also prophetic references to Christ. The amount of prophecy
regarding the first and second advent alone in chapters 40-66 would, in my
opinion, make Isaiah the winner. Luke’s gospel has only 24 chapters. The last 26
chapters of Isaiah, often called “The Book of Consolation” is seen by some as a
prophetic parallel of the 26 books of the New Testament.
The second question I have concerns quiz question 19 where you
contend that "Jesus received his name in the temple when 8 days old." Luke 2:21
only mentions his naming at the circumcision, but not where it took place. -
I’m sorry about this goof! It has been corrected
in the
second edition! The Bible only says that Jesus was
circumcised at 8 days, but doesn’t say where this occurred. We don’t even know
the city in which this took place, let alone the building. Some believe he was
still in Bethlehem while others, including myself, believe Joseph and Mary
returned to Nazareth within days of his birth. One has suggested that the family
may have spent some time recuperating with Zacharias and Elizabeth in Jerusalem.
July 17, 2006
I sent a copy of your book to Rev.
Schuller of the Crystal Cathedral. I am enclosing his note of appreciation for
you. - Lee
July 3, 2006
You should send a copy of
your book to Oprah Winfrey! - Charlie
May 6, 2006
Just a note to thank you for the signed copy of your book "Rabban Gamaliel".
Just by scanning through it, we can tell you put a lot of thought and hard work
into the research and writing of the book, so we are looking forward to reading
it. - John & Marion
April 7, 2006
The package arrived in good condition. - Richard
Ten copies were mailed
to Austria and 5 copies sold immediately.
February 17, 2006
Chapter 11 - The second set of your 7 points I want to pin near my desk.
Thanks for this treasure! It shows me where I need to work on my character in
Christ. - Richard
February 7, 2006
I have already started
reading and it is not a hard read. I was afraid I'd bog down but you have done
so well making it readable and interesting even to us "history challenged"
people! - Alma
Jan. 25, 2006
I have finished reading RABBAN GAMALIEL and am now beginning to
read it over again --- It has so MUCH in it to digest... I have had a really difficult time stopping my reading
each session to tend to the interruptions of living...
I absolutely LOVE your book. It has "a little bit of
everything" to keep a reader going...
Of course I will want more copies... - Lee
Thanks for the
compliments! - RVH
Jan. 23, 2006
I thought I was going to have a theological debate with you, but
as I kept reading, you convinced me. - Dave
Please correct me if
you think I am wrong. I am still learning. - RVH
Jan. 7, 2006
Tacitus mentions the counting of all people briefly and said
that all men must sign the necessary documents and pay the taxes accordingly.
Perhaps this procedure took only one afternoon. It could be that Mary & Joseph
only stayed in Bethlehem a few days, stopping in Jerusalem on their way
home to visit Elisabeth and Zacharias with John the Baptist.
- Richard
You may be right in that
conjecture. - RVH